How core values can shape your presentation


Your personality is the key driver to the content and delivery of a presentation.  

By being authentic in your presentation, you’ll more likely gain the trust of an audience: delivering your message, whilst sharing your values.


How can core values shape a presentation?

Natasha [Skills for Study editor]:

You speak a lot about this idea of having your intention before you go into a performance and considering your values as well ahead of that, how does that translate within the presentations and the public speaking world? 

Ken Rea [Professor of Theatre]:

Yeah, that's very important because it's about the inner and the outer, isn't it? So, if, you think there are two main aspects of a presentation:

That's the content and the delivery. [In other words] What you say and how you say it. But, also when you're standing up in front of an audience, there is a third element that people often don't consider and that's your personality.

It's coming from you. It's you owning that message. It's your individuality, So that needs to be very clear and the personality really comes from your values.  Everything starts from inside and if you can embody those values clearly and authentically,

then the audience just has more information about whether we trust you, whether we believe what you're saying, whether we want to work with you. 

So it's very important to be clear about what your values are and show that, that comes out through what you say and how you say it.


But how can students know what their values are? If I'm a student and I've sat here and think: 'But how do I know what I value?'


Well, a good question to ask yourself is what is it that drives me? You know, what am I bringing to the job? What do I feel is really important? You know? What do I care about? And they will sort of give you the values.

You know, for example, if 'enthusiasm' is one of your values, then embodying that.

  • Do you look like an enthusiastic person? 
  • Do you sound like an enthusiastic person?
  • Do the words you use to describe yourself convey enthusiasm?
  • If 'fairness' is one of your values, or 'curiosity'is one of your values, do the stories and examples you use in your presentation show how you have demonstrated 'curiosity' or 'fairness' so that you live those values?
  • So remember, everything starts from the inner and goes to the outside

So if there is this balance, there is a kind of congruence between the inner and the outer then that leads to an effective presenter and presentation and it's also, again, one of the the keys to your presence on stage and your charisma that attracts the audience to you